
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Does any law exist in CA that requires an employee to sign a performance review

Top Performance
Does any law exist in CA that requires an employee to sign a performance review

When you sign the Performance Review, you are not necessarily saying that you agree with it. You ARE saying that it was: given to you, reviewed with you, and/or you were given a copy.

This is just a SUGGESTION. If your back is up against the wall, and you feel that you HAVE to sign it, write the words "Signed Under Duress" beside/below/above your signature. MAKE SURE you get a photocopy of the Performance Review.

Then AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, you need to write a Response to the Performance Review - for example, in a Memo. You need to state why you disagree with the Performance Review. Keep it as factual as possible. Use dates when certain things happened. Then give your Response to your Supervisor. (If possible, ask them to sign that they received it.) If you work for a large company, send a copy of your Response to Human Resources. Make sure you keep copies of your Response also!

Good luck.

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