A performance evaluation is an integral aspect of any organization.
Assessing the skill set of every person and the functioning of the
organization is vital for its growth, and to help create the proper
expectations for the company in regards to future raises and management
potential. It helps employees to understand the meanings behind common
phrases for performance evaluations to help create common ground between
the employee and the company.
Examples of job performance reviews
Why would you be told not to put anything negative on a job review? The
entire purpose is to be honest with an employee on how they are doing
their job. Typically, most people do well on most things and excel in a
few. However, there are also those who do well in most things, but
have a few "issues" that need addressing.
The down side is if you don't address it, your setting yourself up for a
problem latter on. If you do decide to take action later, she can
always say she got a good annual review-why the problem now. Further,
others in the office or work place know her strengths and weaknesses.
People notice this stuff and always will. If they see that you do not
address them you are seen as a non-effective supervisor.
So, follow up with your district manager and have a crucial
conversation. Make sure you understand what they meant and be frank
that you have reservations if you can't use the review to be corrective
and address a performance issue.
Hope it works out for you (P.S. employee perfer review by a boss who is
frank and honest. Choosing not to address a problem encourages a
disfunctional workplace)
You can ref more review phrases samples of Marketing specialist competencies below by clicking links that you want to:
Performance review tips
Performance review question
Performance review checklist
these sample performance appraisals will definitely help you phrase the
perfect comments for the performance reviews that you are writing.
While this article, gives you only complimentary phrases, there is a
possibility that you may need to include negative reviews as well. While
including these ensure that your tone is not harsh or degrading.
Readers, any other common review phrases you’d care to share?
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