
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Employee performance review questions to ask

A performance evaluation is an integral aspect of any organization. Assessing the skill set of every person and the functioning of the organization is vital for its growth, and to help create the proper expectations for the company in regards to future raises and management potential. It helps employees to understand the meanings behind common phrases for performance evaluations to help create common ground between the employee and the company.

Employee performance review questions

Based on my experience with performance reviews, I predict that your manager will probably review positive and negative aspects of your work performance thus far, and ask you to talk about what you think your strengths and weaknesses are. I've never done the self performance review, but I'm guessing your manager might ask you to explain/justify some of your answers.

I think it may be helpful for you to prepare a few specific examples of things you've learned and contributions you've made to the company. I've also found it helpful to come up with a few ideas about how you can improve your weaknesses, since my managers have asked me this in the past. I think the key is to be as honest as possible and be prepared to follow up with whatever you say during the review.
You can ref more review phrases samples of Marketing specialist competencies below by clicking links that you want to:

Performance review tips 
Performance review question  
Performance review checklist

Using these sample performance appraisals will definitely help you phrase the perfect comments for the performance reviews that you are writing. While this article, gives you only complimentary phrases, there is a possibility that you may need to include negative reviews as well. While including these ensure that your tone is not harsh or degrading.

Readers, any other common review phrases you’d care to share?

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