
Monday, May 9, 2016

Administrative level performance goals examples

Top Performance Review
Administrative level performance goals

I'm an project office coordinator and work for a construction company. I do basic office work like, filing, processing time card, answering phones and basic office work.. I just got hired in April 07 and they are doing an annual performace review. I need some good performance and assignment goals that I can set for myself in present and future.

little about me.. I'm very organized, never late to work, alway's attention to detail, with respect and finish my work in a timely manner.

I just dont know what other goals I can set.. i feel i already do a good job.

But I know I cant say that..

Best Answer:  Often "performance reviews" are viewed in a "negative" thought. Managers often have more "negative" than "positive" points about your performance. These are used to allow your manager to express expectations and insure to take notes.

A "performance report" should be "positive" for you and for your manager to keep a successful business operating properly. Before your review take a moment to write down your accomplishments the past year. You need to indicate value you bring as to the businesses success. During the review have these "in hand".

Seldom in a "personnel file" are "positive" comments noted from corporate levels to small business. Job performance, in some cases, justify pay increases, promotion, bonus opportunities, etc. Some, not all, companies want to hire the very best employees but sometimes don't indicate "positive" notations in "files" to keep from increasing income the employee may expect.

Your "positive" initiative during the interview shows you are dedicated to success and you should be rewarded. The "performance review" gives you an indication on your overall value.

Good Luck and hopefully you have a wonderful "boss". 

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