
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Can a potential employer ask for my performance review from my prior employer as part of a reference check

Top Performance
Can a potential employer ask for my performance review from my prior employer as part of a reference check

I've never heard of that before. My guess is that they called your employer for a reference and your employer only verified your dates and title (which is what many do to avoid getting sued). They are probably asking you for the performance review to get around the fact they can't get any information from your employer. If you have the review handy and it was good, I would provide it (although I agree it sounds a bit intrusive). If you have reservations about providing the review you can say that you don't have a copy and couldn't obtain one from your employer. Records are typically kept for only so long (may vary by state), as others pointed out.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Performance review Told to improve image how

Top Performance
Performance review Told to  improve image how

It is your managements job to help you develop a plan to do this. Do not try to develop that on your own. I would ask your manager or the others that have given you those reviews for their feedbback. Say "im really concerned that you have this perception of me" If you have any feedback that would help me in my goal to develop further i would appreciate your input.

Say that and it apears that you actually care what they think all the while it puts in their mind that you are really trying to develop. They will then look at your current work instead of past work in formulating future reviews. Hope that helps.

Should past performance reviews be presented at job interviews

Top Performance
Should past performance reviews be presented at job interviews

In almost every case I would say no. You can't rely on them for much since every company does reviews differently so it's next to impossible to get any meaningful info out of them unless you are using the same system and have some basis of comparison. Also, you can't really trust a review from another company since the job requirements and expectations may be very different.

I put old reviews in the same category as letters of recommendation. They are to be taken with a grain of salt and carry almost no weight. Once in a while you might get some insight on someone but most of the time they are useless. After all, who in their right mind would volunteer to show you a lousy review or letter of recommendation.

Now, if somehow during the interview you could work in that you had excellent reviews, you could mention that you had them available if they were interested in seeing them. If not, don't even bother to take them out. Lastly, the only time I MIGHT find it appropriate is if the job you were applying for required a certain set of skills that were specifically addressed in your review. Even then, I would mention it during the interview and see if they were interested in seeing your past reviews.

How to ask your boss for more money on your job performance review

Top Performance
How to ask your boss for more money on your job performance review

Make sure you go into your review with a list of accomplishments you have made since your last review. Keep the list brief so you can discuss them with your boss. Explain that with this list of accomplishment you think a raise in order. Have a number in mind so that if he throws a number at you you are prepared to accept it or ask for something else. Be confident but not cocky.

Also, try to think of any objections the may have to giving you a raise. Have you been late? Are you a team player when necessary? When they ask someone to work overtime, do you volunteer? Once you have the potential objections in mind, plan on a way to overcome them. For example, yes, I was late during the last month due to my car being in the shop, but I have since purchased a new vehicle, and that is no longer an issue.

Hope this helps!

Annual Performance Review Help

Top Performance
Annual Performance Review Help

I'm an employment specialist and one of the things that employers look for when hiring a new employee is that they are a team player or work well with others. I would include anything that would demonstrate that you have contributed to the "team" or have done several task/projects that have added to the overall good of the business/organization. Just a hint for future reference and probably something that you already know and are doing but, set up a personal file for yourself. Put all your good stuff in there so that when your next review comes up you have all this great bragging material that will help you get that raise you deserve!

I do not know what your job is and what you do there. List all of your strongest skills on a piece of paper and then pick those that you want them to see.

Does the management know what you do at work everyday? If they already know then most likely they already know what you are going to put on the questionnaire.

Do you get a raise from the annual performance review? if you do, then most likely they already made up a number in their head even before you talk to them (for budget wise). But, the raise is not confirmed yet until they talk to you. Go in there with a good attitude and an open mind (they will tell you what they think of your work: what is good, what is bad, what needs to be improved, etc). Lets say they give you 3% increase in pay. If you think that you deserve more than that then you need to tell them of why you deserve more. List of what you have been doing that they might not know already. Do a bit of research of how much people in your area with the same or similar position get paid, etc. You can also ask your co-workers of what is the average rate increase. Ask them for advise.

Do not threat them that you will quit if you don't get a better raise.

Great performance review no raise

Top Performance
Great performance review no raise

Forget about future opportunity and deal with that raise that is overdue. Ask your manager for a meeting, and once the door is closed, say that you were given a fine performance review, but no mention was made of any raise. Remind him that you have been there for two years without a raise. And then ask for a raise.

How much to ask for is up to you. You could just ask for the raise without naming an amount. Maybe they will give you more than you expect. But their behavior doesn't seem to bear this out, so I'd ask for 6%, which is 3% for each year you've been there. They may not give you that much, but they might. (And remember, getting 6% now is still less money than you'd have if they'd given the raises on time.)

If they are hiring, then apply for the openings you're interested in. And if you get an interview for one of them, be sure to ask for a hefty raise, because you'd be bringing an inside knowledge of the company to that job.

What happens if I do not acknowledge or approve my performance review

Top Performance
What happens if I do not acknowledge or approve my performance review


First, you have a job and in some places they are hard to find.

If you have had a performance review then I assume you work for a company with a formal regular review process in place. Usually if you don't acknowledge the review the reviewer simply notes it on the form and files it in your employee file. He/she also notes your attitude; the most important thing you bring to the workplace.

If you disagree I have two possibilities
1. It may be correct but hard to hear. Simply swallow your pride and use it as a learning experience. Get better not bitter. Taking the suggestions seriously and improving your performance will make you more valuable.
2. If the review is vindictive or manipulative you should consider if going over your supervisor's head and proving that there is foul play involved is worth the risk of loosing your job or working for a grumpy supervisor.

No matter. If you respond properly tough times will make you better. Pain will make you deeper.

There is always a demand for people with skills, good attitude, and great character.

Good luck

performance review questions managers

Top Performance
performance review questions managers

Depending on the people involved I might handle this a little differently but basically this would be my approach. I would meet with the subordinate manager first to discuss his review. I would look at his other reviews to see if they were consistent. If not, he would need to explain why. If they were and it appeared that he rated everyone low then I would discuss his approach to his reviews. I would explain to him that it is not the way that I wanted the reviews done.

Especially if I knew his employees and had higher opinions of them myself. If it was just the one employee that he rated low and if I disagreed with the review, then I would tell him that I consider his review to be biased and that he needs to change it. I would let him know that I expect his reviews to be conducted professionally and without prejudice and give him guidelines as to how I wanted the reviews done. I would let him sit in and basically conduct the meeting with the employee.

After the employee gave his appeal I would let the subordinate manager be the one who changed it, in front of the employee, even though I had told him in advance to change it, I would let the employee think it was his manager who was changing the review so that he could save face. I might even let the employee meet with the manager without me being there, since I have already made it clear to the manager what I wanted him to do.

That way it does not appear at all that I corrected the manager, but that the change in review came directly from the manager. If I agreed with the review then I would meet with the employee alone and tell him that I considered the review to be accurate and that he would have to accept it and tell him what he needed to do to change it for the better. Hope this helps.

Trainee performance review

Top Performance
Trainee performance review

Often your first review is to determine whether to keep you or fire you. (they can legally do this within the first 3 months).

Anyway, if the company is professional they will have told you the criteria on which you are being assessed.

If you met those criteria there will be no problem.

A bad company won't tell you how they are going to assess you, and suddenly you are being fired for not doing such and such, but it was never really your job.

Anyway, don't worry, it should be simple and easy.

thank you :)  

Ebay car performance chip review

Top Performance
Ebay car performance chip review

Well, most cases you are getting what you are paying for. Although, Mace is expensive. Don't waste your money on the Ebay they found fraud parts in chips believe me I was looking as well. Jet Performance Chip is a better choice. Read Reviews of others and if you like it buy it. Although, some of these places like Gforce which is a scam have fake reviews. Look on outside websites for reviews.

A situation about my performance review

Top Performance
A situation about my performance review

Don't look at the dark side of things...think positive.

Maybe your company is going through a downsizing, but that does not mean it is you. It could be your boss who is heading out the door. He has everyone rate themselves and sends the results to HR because he doesn't care anymore.

I suggest that you sign the review without further comment. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Be sure to get a copy of the signed review.

Don't make up any stories up about how you were busy talking and you both forgot to sign. If he did the same thing with his other employees, HR will know you are trying to cover for him.

At this point, if you play along and try to protect your boss, you very well may be out the door with him. Keep it professional and sign the review and ask for a copy...nothing more.

Good Luck

Performance review at work

Top Performance

Performance review at work

1. Ask the negative question of a subject and activity eg. What doesn't work on your computer system?

2. Ask questions around what the data that you want but so they have a definite yes or no, this gives your evaluation/review integrity.

3. Any question has to be real, meaning the person has to agree in some way about it otherwise they will give a non-genuine answer eg. In your role, do you do anything peculiar which brings about your daily or even weekly normal production?

4. The questions must be intended as being interested; not in what the person's opinion is but rather what they estimate/observe/recognize from their unique view, facts only eg. Do you think this technique you use to communicate with people over the phone is more efficient than others you have seen?

I could give you exact questions of course but that would violate #4 and possibly #3.
These are the most important data and they are within the subjects of "Surveys" and "Investigations".

Good luck!

Does any law exist in CA that requires an employee to sign a performance review

Top Performance
Does any law exist in CA that requires an employee to sign a performance review

When you sign the Performance Review, you are not necessarily saying that you agree with it. You ARE saying that it was: given to you, reviewed with you, and/or you were given a copy.

This is just a SUGGESTION. If your back is up against the wall, and you feel that you HAVE to sign it, write the words "Signed Under Duress" beside/below/above your signature. MAKE SURE you get a photocopy of the Performance Review.

Then AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, you need to write a Response to the Performance Review - for example, in a Memo. You need to state why you disagree with the Performance Review. Keep it as factual as possible. Use dates when certain things happened. Then give your Response to your Supervisor. (If possible, ask them to sign that they received it.) If you work for a large company, send a copy of your Response to Human Resources. Make sure you keep copies of your Response also!

Good luck.

Performance review for new employee

Top Performance
Performance review for new employee

If its something that gets on your ticker it could be bought up.

Performance reviews consist of Strengths, Weaknesses and Improvements needed. This could be part contained in as Weaknesses as its something that is making you think about her performance.

Its always good to bring people up on things that they dont do so well on, as it could turn out semi worse in the long run.. and prove to be even worse like - looking through paperwork etc etc.

Use a soft approach and be nice, it shouldnt be a problem.

Good Luck


Ask about promotion during performance review?

Top Performance
Ask about promotion during performance review?

The modern trend is to adopt a 360 Degree Review -which is different from traditional performance reviews.
360 degree feedback is the most comprehensive type of appraisal. It includes self ratings, peer review, and upward assessments; feedback is sought from everyone. It gives people a chance to know how they are seen by others; to see their skills and style; and may improve communications between people.

In this method , the employee can stake his claim for promotion and pay hike !!

Performance reviews are a necessary evil of running a business. It can also be a good time to establish a solid relationship with your superiors. Most people dont understand or handle the Review process well and think it just a way for managment to control them.
1. By the time you have your review scheduled, the opinions and comments have already been discussed between your supervisor and upper management. You should work with your supervisor well in advance if you want any influence in the process.

2. This is your review. What is said about you in these reviews may "stick" with you for a long time. Dont just listen to your boss drone on about how you need to achieve a paradigm shift and become a "sought-after" employee. If you do not agree with what is stated in the review, Ask that you take time to read, edit and resubmit it.

3. This is often the same time that your "Raise" is determined. Generally, this review is the basis for any increase or decrease in your pay. Thats why its important to work on it prior to getting to this stage. Also, the ability to review and edit could mean the difference in getting any raise.

4. By working in advance with your boss, you can lay down what goals or expectations they have prior to the review. That way, you can show that you've achieved those goals and deserve that promotion/raise.

5/ If you dont get that promotion/raise, then this review will be the time for you to ask them, "When can I expect it?" Its very important for you to take control of your Career....dont just let your bosses determine your life.

what was the mission of the national performance review quizlet

Top Performance
what was the mission of the national performance review quizlet

National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR), originally the National Performance Review, was an interagency task force to reform the way the U.S. federal government works in the Clinton Administration.

The NPR was created on March 3, 1993. It was the eleventh federal reform effort in the 20th century.

In early 1998, the National Performance Review was renamed to the National Partnership for Reinventing Government.

Morley Winograd was appointed as the Senior Policy Advisor to Vice President Al Gore and Director of the National Partnership for Reinventing Government in December 1997.

Other similar commissions

* Brownlow Committee 1937
* Hoover Commission two commissions in 1947-1949 and 1953-1955.
* The Grace Commission 1982-1984
* Project on National Security Reform 2006-Present

Hammer award

The Hammer Award was created by Vice President Gore to recognize government efficiency as a part of the program. Made simply of a $6 hammer, a striped ribbon and an aluminum-framed note from Gore, the award parodies the Pentagon's infamous bloated hardware costs, including a famous perception of a $436 hammer.

Employee Entitled to Their Own Performance Review?

Top Performance
Employee Entitled to Their Own Performance Review?

A performance review is a report card on you during the past year,it should point out your strong points and also the areas where you need inprovement.I have never heard or seen of anyone receiving a performance report and not seeing it.I think that you are entitled to see it and if not why not.How are you suppose to improve if you are not aware of where improvement is needed.

When having a performance review.

Top Performance

When having a performance review.

Tell them you look forward to spending the rest of your career with the company (I didn't say in your current position), and you are looking forward to greater challenges when they are ready for you step up.

make sure you reiterate their expectations for the position and ask what you can do different to make the position better (I know you said you don't see any improvements, but make sure that they don't have personal agendas for your position-and may open up how they would approach it). This question will set them up to tell you intangible goals that you can definitely document for your next review. Plus, getting some one Else's perspective can only help.

Let them know that you are open to constructive feed back in between reviews and you want to work toward being a leader with the companies growth and change.

It's great that you're getting a review after three months, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the norm everywhere. During the review, normally the manager reviews how well you did according to the goals already set for you. If there were no goals, it might be a more general review to tell you your strengths and weaknesses as they see it. I know you asked a lot of questions about goals, but depending on the company, many times those are set for you - you don't have a say in it.

However, as you say, to be prepared, you may want to have comments ready for the following:

1. How well you did: Name some statistics and give some anecdotes, such as you're meeting the goal of answer 120 calls a day and you received two commendation letters from customers. 

2. Where you think you can improve: Try to word it more positively or say that you are already doing ..., and how you want to do it better. 

3. Since you feel like you've accomplished your goals, then maybe you can say that you'd want to learn more about XYZ so that some time later, you can move into ____ position. Always let the employer know what you're willing to put into it, especially when you've only been there for 3 months.

Good luck!  

Performance review/disciplinary on friday

Top Performance
Performance review/disciplinary on friday

Right now, it is normal that you must be given two official warnings before you can be dismissed - first verbal and then written - so if you haven't yet had any, then no, you can't be sacked. (Note that this is changing in April so that it is up to all companies to set their own procedure, rather than this being the law.)

But, what is this performance review for? It isn't for the end of your probation period is it? I ask because if you blame training/lack of training for some of the problems then I assume you haven't been there long. If you are still in your probation period, then the rules regarding formal warnings do not apply and you can be sacked for not being up to scratch.

If I were you, I would review the documents that your Manager has sent to you, and think about specific reasons why there have been problems. As an example, it's better if rather than saying things like "well, I haven't been trained on that" you instead say things like "I sent you an email on 14 January reminding you that I needed to be trained on ...". This shows that you acknowledge the problem and you're taking some responsibility, whilst still showing that it isn't entirely your fault.

If some of the complaints are about your attitude, are these complaints coming from one particular person? If so, do you think that this person simply doesn't like you, rather than having a real issue with you? If this is the case then mention that briefly - you don't want to sound whiny but at the same time, your Manager should be able to remain impartial and verify if that is true.

Performance review tips

One of the most important tasks in order to ensure job satisfaction at work as well as to supervise employees’ performance is to perform a performance appraisal process. This should be done regularly, normally once a year by many companies. It is not only good for the improvement of the employees; it is good for the growth of the company as well. However, many people including managers and employees may not feel well participating in an appraisal process.

If you are about to take part in a performance appraisal process, follow 10 tips below and you will succeed:

1. Be prepared:

First and the most important, you must prepare yourself before sitting in such a process. If you are a manager, consider well what and how you will say.

2. Be positive-focused:

Acknowledge the strengths of the employees. This shall make the atmosphere more comfortably. Being positive-focused means appreciating strength points rather than criticizing weaknesses.

3. Don’t be aggressive:

As a manager, you should not try to criticize the employees. You are evaluating their performance but not themselves which should be the task of recruitment & promotion process. Be friendly and encouraging to help raise the employee’s morale.

4. Be realistic:

Don’t force it upon the employees’ unrealistic requirements. They may not perform the job well, but this does not mean they don’t have any contribution. Treat them with equality and respect.

5. Be fair:

Your appraisal should be consistent and fair. To poor performer, you should point out his weaknesses and mistakes and encourage him to improve. To a good performer, you should encourage his performance. You should use ranking-method to evaluate an employee’s performance. This is a rather fair method to easily decide whether an employee is a good or poor performer.

6. Make it a two-way conservation:

Don’t just talk, you must listen, too. And don’t prevent the employees from talking, encourage them to discuss anything you disagree or wish to talk about. An appraisal process should be a two-way discussion. Only this will make it successful.

7. Address what is important to the employee:

Job satisfaction is the most important factor affecting on the employee’s future performance. Therefore, an effective appraisal process should address the issues which are considered important to the employee.

8. Discuss the Balance between work and life:

A performance appraisal is also an opportunity to address the balance between work and private life of the employee. Here, the manager may discuss with the employee about the development of his career as well as future opportunities for him.

9. Be a good listener:

As mentioned before, an appraisal performance requires both your listening and speaking. As a manager, you are required both speaking with the employees and listening to their feed-backs.

10. Regular review:

A performance appraisal (or review) process should be performed on regular basis so that the managers may keep track of the employee’s performance and interfere whenever necessary. The process is not only about recording temporarily performance of an employee; it is also about training them and helping them figure out what he is lacking on frequent basis.

Performance review templates

There are various sample forms for a performance review. Subject to the particular needs, purposes, objectives, and nature of the performance review conducted by each organization that some specific sample forms may be useful.

I would like to introduce here several of those sample forms for a performance review. You should find these forms easily but it is not that easy to decide which form is suitable to your review:

1. Sample form for manager’s performance review

Evaluating the performance of a manager is certainly different from evaluating that of an employees. Therefore, different form will be used, too.

2. Essay evaluation form

Sound strange! This form required the evaluatees write an essay to be evaluated. It is more of an academy-type form.

3. Forced Choice Form

This form shall contain many questions with multiple choice and require the evaluatees select a suitable choice. There must be no question to be missed and the overall result shall be used to quickly evaluate the evaluatees.

4. Weighted checklist form

This form shall set a list of specific criteria with their relative weighted importance levels. These criteria normally refer to various behaviors at work that are ranked in accordance with their importance level. A summary of choice made by the evaluatees shall be the basis of evaluation.

5. Rating Scale Form

Rating scale form uses multiple questions with quantified ranks in relation to a specific quality. So, the evaluatees shall be ranked more easily among all the employees of the Company.

6. Self-appraisal form

As the name may suggest, the employees use this form to evaluate themselves. It is less official and the evaluation result shall not be published to others but the employees themselves. It is used for self-development purpose.

7. 360 degree appraisal form

This form is divided into categories, each of which is for specific group of evaluators and therefore, may provide a broader view on the evaluatees. Those categories may divided into sections for subordinates, peers, managers, team members, and even customers, who shall be the performance evaluators.

Performance review methods

Methods in performance review differ in suitability and effectiveness. Take up proper methods for maximum results.

Here are some methods used common in various employee performance review for performance management:

1. Graphic Rating Scale

This method not only helps you evaluate the position of employees among the minimum and maximum of a rating scale but rate a general group of employees such as clerks or general workers.
Moreover it is used to orient job goals and tasks.
On the other hand, there are shortages of total job review elements in the graphic rating scale. So you cannot evaluate the actual performance of the employees.

2. Forced Choice

The forced choice is another method in performance review. It provides a number of pre-written statements which can rely on in order to evaluate the employee’s performance. Why it is called the forced choice? It’s because there is no provision for a rating that you think falls between two choices.
Finally you get the “bell-shaped” review results from this method. Most employees would be evaluated in the middle range. But there are very few people in the non-performance and outstanding performance ranges of the scale.
In difference with Graphic Rating Scale method, the forced choice does not reflect truly actual performance level of employees. The supervisors would be in risks of rating all their people within the middle range. Moreover, this method is not used for many purposes. It can dissatisfy user.

3. Ranking and Paired comparison

Based on the method of ranking and paired comparison, you arrange name of employees from the highest to the lowest performance list.
These two methods are used in nature and their factors are not with respect to performance standards.
So, it is possible to result awkwardness if the people do not strictly fall within the lowest, the highest or average performers.

4. Behavioral anchored rating scale

This method suits either professional or technical jobs. It is combined the critical incident technique with the rating scale method.
You use the behavioral anchored rating scale to indentify behaviors with high performance. In order to do this, you have to prepare performance levels in detail according to range from 1 for very poor to 5 for very good or from 1 for extremely poor to 7 for extremely good. Also this method requires you to have depth understanding of how is “good” and how is “poor”. Following these requirements, you will gain results of actual performance.

5. Weighted checklist

The employee behavior would be evaluated in accordance with sets of objectives or statements. So you can give decision in which sets of behaviors fit him/her. For the supervisor, he/she will be in charge of providing answer “yes” or “no”.

6. Forced distribution

Like partly the forced choice, the end of the forced distribution provides a “bell-shaped” result.
On the other hand, in the forced distribution you have put additional names of some employers to the very poor or outstanding in order to meet requirement in a number of people for those groups.

7. Team review

This method does not reflect individual performance level. That’s why it makes many people not have confidence in performance review. Every team member who had made minimum contribution would get the same reward. It is possible attached free riders.

8. Management by Objectives

Management by objective – MBO is one of the more popular methods of performance review in organizations. It assigns task for you to set up job objectives. And whether the employees come into implementation for achievement or not. This method is used common for evaluating manager performance.

9. Essay type method

In order to have job performance you need to prepare descriptive narratives when applying the method of essay type. It may be structured method or unstructured method. If you use the structured, it is necessary to discover suitable performance measures and standards. And when the unstructured is used, the supervisor has to show the performance level of employee in essay form.

10.  Critical incidents

It is similar to the method of essay review. In specific, it is necessity for the supervisor to be in charge of keeping an on-going log on employee’s performance. By this the assessor would submit an essay on his/her poor or outstanding performance. But the assessor may prepare illogical conclusions.

11. 360 degree review

This method requires some parties to evaluate the same employee. In which there are the employee himself / herself, working colleagues as internal customers, the superior, outside parties such as customers and suppliers.

A few organizations use this review method. Meanwhile most are yet eager to implement this far-reaching review method. It means that it is yet to gain widely acceptance.

Performance review comments

1. Attendance and punctuality performance review phrases

Attendance and punctuality are ones of important factors to evaluate an employee performance but you must notice that two of these factors are also sensitive issues to any employees as they usually don’t like debating on their lateness at work or spending too much time on lunch or break. However, it is careful for the manager of a firm to use performance appraisal properly to have solution for these matters.

Positive review phrases

• Kelly always expresses performance of punctuality at the start of each work day.
• Bill manages his employees to a great attendance score which shows frequency among the top performers in the company for on-time arrivals.
• Instead of showing who works the longest, Lenny’s demonstration is to rely on the secret to success of who works the smartest. It is because Lenny is also one of top employees for attendance and reliability.
• It is appreciated highly for Kylie who consistently on-time and runs a tight ship, to set the standard for schedules on her team.
• Bill pays attention to manage his schedule and to work well with time scheduled to him during the week.
• Phil appreciates his employees who express respect for him in compliance with schedule and tasks.

Negative review phrases

• Tim has not good habit is to arrive late and not take weather and traffic into account for his schedule during the winter months.
• Kyle uses most of the time to perform his schedule reliably and continues to improve his punctuality although we occasionally have an issue.
• About Harry, he has never taken 20 minutes each morning to make a cup of coffee and talk about the previous night’s partying. Instead of this, he always needs to be ready to work on at his desk on time each day.
• Other employees feel unpleased to Paul who affects them when their shifts are ending. Because he demonstrates disrespects them by showing up late from time to time.
• Greg has an unhurried attitude when it comes to attendance. That impacts negatively on his fellow employees.

2. Attitude performance review phrases

Companies consider attitude as the most important criteria to appraise employees’ performance in customer services. A good attitude of employees will further enhance the quality of customer services while a poor attitude will cause a bad customer experience. Customers will easily forgive mistakes that sale agents made if they have a good attitude to customers. Quality of products is the leading criteria but the customers may not need to be goodwill to buy them if you have a poor attitude. So performance appraisal on each employee’s attitude must be carefully considered in order to decide wage rate for him/her.

Positive review phrases

• John continues to talk negatively in relation to projects or tasks that he assigned.
• He always shows a negative attitude towards getting his work done.
• His poor attitude is influence on his work performance.
• His boss is displeased with his negative attitude.

Negative review phrases

• John is always happy to receive new project and willing and eager to learn new things.
• He always smiles when coming to work and gives off a positive vibe to his team members.
• He has willingness to help out when needed even if the means working overtime or weekends.

3. Communications performance review

In any working environment, communication is very important and necessary factor that requires ways as online, verbal or written communication. But it is crucial to use which kind of communication and how to perform it. Effective communication in the workplace will bring positive to each employee’s work performance. The annual review should reflect this by using performance reviews phrases that reflect the positive qualities of his/her ability to interact with colleagues as well as customers.

Positive review phrases

• John has effective communication skills in both verbal and written language.
• Thanks to John’s good communication skills, his team members are pleased to work with him.
• He has good attitude by speaking very friendly and openly with others. So everyone wants to make good relationship with him.

Negative review phrases

• John shows appearance in front of crowd with shyness and ineffectiveness.
• John’s message is easily mistaken by others due to his lack of communication skills.
• John often fails to meet effective way in communicating with his team members.

4. Cooperation performance review

You need to stress cooperation in job performance because it is a decisive factor to the efficiency in working. Most jobs require the cooperation which becomes an integral part of the organization culture and may be the simple action when you share information with colleagues at the office or help them do their assignments. Therefore, all employees and employers must work relying on cooperation attitude.

Positive review phrases

• George helps building a good relationship between his staff members to foster a team first environment.
• Fred inspires his fellow co-workers to work and attract them to enjoy working environment around him.
• Tyler is proficient in bringing together teams of people around a common goal.
• Randy can form effective teams because of his excellence at any project.
• William is considered a precious asset because he may work effectively with other teams and departments.
• About Ryan, he never makes us disappointed with what he done for us whenever we get trouble. Ryan can bring different groups of people together.

Negative review phrases

• Janet is considered an ineffective team member. She should improve over the next several months in her teamwork skills.
• Jennifer is too cautious member. She feels so afraid of confronting with work challenges that she always need assistance from others.
• Though a time Tim seems very helpful, it’s too much – he does not know when to say “no” to a request.
• Lenny does not want his staff to help other departments. She refuses any requirement for help from them.
• Walter also refuses to assist others in their times of need.
• Fred does express his interest in his workplace as a “team” environment and too frequently wants to “go it alone” on projects.
• Ben does not meet commitment of his team in cooperation with organizational goals.

5. Creativity, pro-active traits and innovation performance review

The entire of employees are encouraged to make creativity or pro-active attitude within the workplace, which will enhance the productivity of groups of people in the whole departments. Initiative in working can increase dedication and loyalty for each employee. Therefore, it is also important to have creative management techniques for work motivation and rewarding team members.

Positive review phrases

• Terry has a unique imagination and creates some of the most innovative things we have known.
• Bill always knows how to bring his team members a creative working environment to get work motivation.
• Ryan owns a kill to take creative ideas with effective solutions.
• Creating new and innovative solutions to common problems is John’s strength.
• Harry motivates his teammates to think outside of the box and to be more creative with solutions.
• Paul is proficient in extracting unique ideas out of people in meetings but not at all situations.

Negative review phrases

• Frank has a tendency to be a matter-of-fact manager, but in his position, thinking in a more resourceful manner would do him well.
• Eve has not capability to work on issues beyond her skill set. So she has troubles in her career progression.
• Bob has not upheld his creative potential in job so far. He should strike a balance between being pragmatic and creative.
• Terry is conservative person; he does not listen to alternatives or ideas other than the ones he develops, which limits creativity of his team.

6. Critical thinking performance review

Critical thinking means making reasonable judgment based on actual details and your thinking process. It is more about “thinking about thinking” rather than “thinking about solution”. In critical thinking, you make judgment whether something is true, false or either or neither.

Positive review phrases

• Thanks to owning a strong reasoning and critical-thinking skills, John is not difficult to handle problems well.
• John always considers carefully situations to work out the most suitable solution.
• John gives response quickly to any trouble situation. He always makes proper solutions on timely.
Negative review phrases
• John makes his decision without thinking of its potential consequences.
• John has never thought carefully before making decision for any work.
• John has limit to work out the most logical solution to a problem. Everyone does not appreciate highly his skills.

7. Goal setting performance review

Goal setting is an indispensable kill for managers because it is very important to help them evaluate the amount of work for current and future orientation and reduce stress at work.
Positive review phrases
• John knows how to share his suitable feedback with his staff regarding their progress.
• John has excellent skills to holds himself accountable for his team’s performance objective and goals.
• John is good at setting clear and measurable performance expectations.

Negative review phrases

• John has not met his goals achievement because he does not have suitable assignment to his staff.
• John does not often focus on his work and try to reach his goals.
• John blames others for missed deadlines and objectives.
• John fails to achieve his goals that are sometimes pre-set.

8. Initiative performance review phrases

Employees who understands and is ready to do task without waiting for order, shows their initiative skills in work. The initiative is valuable motivation to any company and organization. An initiative employee owns the following characteristics:
– Motivation
– Undertaking any tasks without waiting for
– Doing the right thing in a right manner
– Being ready to ask questions necessary to complete job perfectively
– Undertaking more important tasks and making responsible for them
– Being dynamic and valuing time resource
– Being ready to do any job at any time (becoming a workaholic)

Positive review phrases

• John always takes responsibility for his area and their actions.
• John is keen on facing with challenging way and seeking to improve working environment.
• John always protects new ideas, objectives or tools.
• John strives to seek and take on new opportunities to promote his job.

Negative review phrases

• John has trouble doing his tasks when he does not receive help or supervision from others.
• John is negative to seek out new opportunities to learn and grow his job.
• John doesn’t create new ideas in his job, in contrast he wants to do things that have be done by others.

9. Interpersonal skills performance comments.

Interpersonal skill which is used to communicate and work well with people and work under high pressure, is appreciated as the most important soft skill by many companies. It is also a crucial skill to appraise each employee’s performance. The following will provide companies with appraisal phases for appraising interpersonal skills:

The interpersonal skills include:

• Excelling or showing promise with other employees, managerial or supervisory relations.
• Identifying the needs of others during routine and/or special projects.
• Being aware of how to create and/or raising positive working relationship with co-workers, clients, management and/or customers.
• Acting on impulse of harmony, communication, understanding, knowledge and/or policy appropriately.

Positive review phrases

• Tim always works hard and takes positive to inspire his co-workers to work more effectively.
• Bill always knows how to make the surrounding people comfortable.
• Greg is ready to have opened conservation with anybody. People around him all want to keep good relationship with him.
• In a hard paced environment, Ryan has ability to relate to people and motivate them handle great jobs, this explains why everyone respects him.
• Jim tries to work friendly and well with others to get good comments from them.

Negative review phrases

• Time is not good at understanding how crucial good working relationships with fellow team members are.
• Bob does not grasp the intricacies of managing relationships.
• John is an affable fellow, yet his strong personality turns off people around him.
• Other people do not want to relate to George because he does not work well with them.
• Peter’s strong personality has caused a rift on our team.
• John has an excellent impression among the management team, yet his team members cannot stand working with him.

10. Job knowledge performance review

Knowledge is one of three integral parts (Knowledge, Skill, and Ability) to evaluate an employee’s performance. In order to be able to evaluate job knowledge performance of an employee, a manager must know the typical descriptions of a person with good or bad knowledge about the job. The following provides several review phrases for the purpose of understanding how it is to be an employee with good and bad knowledge:

Positive review phrases

• John is a work-hard employee and willing to study the knowledge about the job and share everything with his team members.
• John has a potentially comprehensive knowledge to meet the job requirements and related skills.
• John is good at identifying the company’s products and special features of them.

Negative review phrases

• John fails to meet his duties because he does not know necessary knowledge about the job.
• John fails to meet first requirement of amount of knowledge about the job.
• John always asks for other’s instruction because he doesn’t even know the key fundamental of the job.

11. Leadership skills performance review

Leadership performance skill can be the main subject of certain performance review processes for managers, because it holds an important role as leadership of them. An employee can have leadership skill but not only a manager, when the employee is considered as a great asset to the company.

Positive review phrases

• Keep an open communication among employees;
• Recognize the accomplishment and contribution of employees;
• Motivate the employees to take responsibility for their action;
• Apply properly the resource in appropriate manner depending on the priority of assignment;
• Make a corporate culture of reliability and helpfulness;
• Make picture of the action plan of the employees;

Negative review phrases

• Ignore the policies of the company and tend to work by himself;
• Refuse to participate in discussion or meetings;
• Rarely show appreciation for a good-performance;
• Do not rely on his/her leadership instinct to manage others.

12. Management style

Management style plays an important and decisive role in business and activity management of a company. So in order to select an appropriate manager, employers need to take care of how is his/her management style that will decide whether he/she is worth of the position. There is a various ways of remarking a management style of a manager so that the employers can evaluate performance of manager, as follow:

Positive review phrases

• Kevin is the consummate professional and manages his staff with apparent ease. The reports show that his staffs are pleased with his management style.
• Paul’s management style has helped his team perform work well.
• Tim is a high performer and leads a team of high performers. His management style has brought effectiveness to this department.
• John will be considered a “player’s coach” because of his thoroughly understanding of his team and how to encourage them to gain high performance.
• Walter’s team highly appropriates his management style.
• People do not doubt Peter’s ability in his management by understanding how to supervise his employees to meet expectations.

Negative review phrases

• Bill is not good at managing employees. His employees consistently complaint of unreasonable expectations. Bill needs to improve his acceptance of a reasonable work personal life balance.
• Kyle is not excellent manager to supervise well performance of his employees. He doesn’t know how to motivate them for the effort to work.
• Bryan has not made the transition from co-worker to manager very well. It is difficult for him to separate his personal relationship with professional ones.
• Paul may be in “survival mode” without focusing on goals necessary to move his team forward, because he is not clever man to understand how to set team goals and manage his team for achievement.

13. Problem solving performance review

It is necessary for each person to have problem solving skill that is a highly intellectual-mental and cognitive process involving modeling the problem and combining various skills in dealing with a certain situation.
In addition, the problem solving is a fundamental skill of management and leadership of a manager. It goes along with decision making ability. Two of them may be improved and trained.

Positive review phrases

• Analyzing situation and then solving problems are both John’s strength.
• John carefully considers a problem, and it is not hard for him to seek out various solutions.
• John always puts a problem into careful examination, thinks it twice before making a proper decision.

Negative review phrases

• John has never got easy to work out a solution to any difficult problem.
• John is not familiar with facing any tense matter.
• When standing in front of a complex situation, John easily neglects his work.

14. Professionalism performance review

The professionalism performance means being dignified and respectful to customers and colleagues, as well as being well-informed about the requirements of the role. It is a fundamental skill to any customer.

Positive review phrases

• Have a professional dressing manner;
• Work honestly and reliably with others;
• Know how to motivate others to work well;
• Keep calm and ready to work under high pressure;
• Have a welcoming and friendly characteristics;

Negative review phrases

• Don’t know how to take measures to improve the performance;
• Come to work with a bad dressing manner;
• Be reluctant to responsibility and development;
• Has not ability to balance personal life and work;
• Don’t get keep honesty at work by giving wrong figures to confuse others;

15. Stress management performance review

In order to deal with goals, deadlines or pressures carefully from customers and staff through effective time management without any feelings of victimization, office politics or rude behavior, the important factor for a manager is to put stress management into performance.
Here are some performance review phrases need to reflect the individual’s ability to deal with stress effectively:
• He/she has a good capacity for control stress from high pressure customer situations as well as difficult workloads.
• He/she always expresses her composure even when others are losing theirs.
• He/she is good at managing crisis situations through effective leadership, logical thought and collaborative discussions on solutions.

16. Teamwork performance review

In order to own teamwork skill, members must know how to work together in joint effort toward a common goal of the group. Competition can be not avoided in teamwork but for improvement of effectiveness when working in team, it is necessary for each member to work in cooperation, of which the team leader keeps a key role in developing teamwork skill.

Positive review phrases

• Jack always attracts everyone by his ability to work well with them. He is one of those team members anyone would like to have on his/her team.
• Bill’s ability is suitable for our company with many teams. He is good at working with and understanding the team dynamics has been beneficial to the firm.
• Paul always makes a good working manner with others.
• Harry uses his management by putting his relationship a long with his coworkers, managers and employees in a professional manner.

Negative review phrases

• Ryan holds on to too much and doesn’t delegate to his team effectively.
• Bryan only takes care of accomplishing his own work with helping those members of his team.
• Walker is inconsistent in supporting his teammates.
• Peter was proficient in joining common work of his team, which helps him to get the position of supervisor but now he has not yet maintain those teamwork skill.
• Norman doesn’t fully grasp how to utilize his teammates to accomplish goals, but instead continually complains that no one will help him.

17. Time management performance review

The skill is used to manage better your own time during work performance according to the amount of hours each individual puts in. Using this skill will reflect levels of attendance in the workplace which is a sure sign of their loyalty and dedication to the work.

Positive review phrases

• Fran has good ability to deal with project deadlines and manage the time that leads to each deadline.
• Jim is good at planning out his work week, putting them into suitable plan with effective performance.
• Jenn doesn’t get trouble in managing multiple assignments and delivering them in a timely fashion.
• Greg always gives prominence to efficiency and productivity of his team.
• Tricia’s employees put all their faith in his good time and plan management style.

Negative review phrases

• Peter always gets difficult to accomplish his work because he doesn’t distinguish the difference between big tasks and small tasks. Instead of this, he only focuses on the low hanging fruit to the detriment of the projects that will move our team forward.
• Although Time was trained in time management he has not yet understood the process to manage his time.
• Fred brings trouble to his team regarding unorganized meetings. He needs to improve his planning skills to keep meetings on topic and on time.
• Jenny has not enough understanding to make schedule properly for maximum efficiency of employees.
• Todd’s time management skill has not fully put employees’ faith so he should learn more it.

360 performance review

360 performance review

What is a 360 performance review?

3600 (or 360) performance review is a standardized performance review process in which the evaluators shall receive opinions and feedback from those around them, most particularly those who work with them including the colleagues and managers. While traditional performance review process provides feedback from direct managers of higher level, this method is more broaden and utilizes opinions of all the people working with the evaluators: colleagues, managers, suppliers, and event customers.

Typically, 360 review process is used for development purposes. Feedback are received by the evaluators and they will have a clearer understanding of what others think about them: how your managers think you are a good employee? How your colleagues think you have a good teamwork skill? how your customers think you have a good customer service and communication skills?… all those can be answered from those 3600 feedback and that is a great opportunity for the evaluators to identify what they lack and what they should continue to improve.

When organizations and enterprises become globalized or diverse-geographically located, 3600 performance review process has become very important and useful. The feedback coming from a great deal of various sources can help such multi-national or multi-location organizations identify their problems and help improving the solid in their organization.

Components of 360 Performance review.

Who shall become respondents for a 360 degree performance review? They are those around you, especially at work, including: your peers, managers, subordinates, team members, customers, suppliers, investors, and so on.

There are many feedback sources, certainly, in a 360 review; but all in all, they are classified into 4 groups:

• Self appraisal
• Superior’s appraisal (managers)
• Subordinate’s appraisal
• Peer appraisal

Advantages of 360 degree performance review method

360 degree performance review has following advantages:

• Evaluators are supplied with feedback from various points of views allowing them to reconsider all the aspects of their performance and find out which they lack and need to improve;

• The supervisors may receive these feedback and have an overall picture of the performance made by the evaluatees (their employees) and may make better decision;

• 360 degree method provides a broader review on the performance but not only relying on managerial view of supervisors;

• 360 degree method also considers the performance of the evaluators in relation to each group they work with, therefore, helps to identify which group the evaluators can work well with the most;

• Feedbacks given in 360 degree method tend to be less biased as the supervisors may consider various opinions;

• This method is more suitable to multi-industry or multi-function organizations;

• 360 degree method is organized and structured better than traditional method and is more likely to generate useful feedback.

Performance review phrases

1. Attitude Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase

• Ted has such a calm mind that we are always surprised at how he deals with problems.
• Tom always looks for the bright side and knows to evaluate his position in difficult circumstances.
• Jenny succeeds partly thanks to her positive attitude toward everything.
Negative Phrase
• Jim tends to be so superior to his colleagues that no one wants to work with him.
• Walter frequently behaves in an unpleasant manner.
• Bill always sees thing on the worst side so that he has a tendency to depress everyone working with him.

2. Creativity Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase

• Ryan knows to quickly adapt to new environment and comes up with brilliant ideas.
• Rachel is good at solving problems by creative solutions.
• Harry is very encouraging everyone in his team to think openly and come up with new solutions to handle tasks.

Negative Phrase

• Jean is unable to adapt herself to work with creativity and doesn’t seem to value new ideas suggested to her.
• It is difficult for Kevin to think out of the box and coming up with a creative solution to an existing problem is an unfeasible task for him.
• Jim tends to act before thinking, so his new idea cannot help him anyway if he acts like that.

3. Critical Thinking Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase

• Johns always considers everything twice before acting.
• With strong reasoning and critical-thinking skills, John can handle every problem very well.
Negative Phrase
• John always jumps to his conclusion before consulting others’ opinion.
• John acts without thinking of the possible consequences that he may face with.

4. Goal Setting Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase
• John effectively keeps his staff focused by setting clear goals and assigning duties to them.
• It is a good practice of John to assign duties to his staff member and monitor their performance toward such goals.

Negative Phrase

• John only sets goals for his employees, however, he takes no measure to supervise their performance.
• John’s goal-setting skill is not effective since he always assigns inappropriate tasks to his employees

5. Initiative Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase

• Dean never waits for others to tell him what to do, he is an initiative man.
• For John, no supervision is required, I suppose, since he can work very initiatively.
• John is very responsible for his job. We don’t need to tell him what to do since he gets the job better than us.

Negative Phrase

• John lacks the experience and qualifications required to perform the job effectively without specific orders assigned to him.
• We much place a close supervision over John. If not, we will not know if he derails from his path at any time.
• Perhaps John has the qualification, however, he lacks initiative and active manner that it is risky to assign much responsibility to him.

6. Interpersonal Skill Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase

• Kevin has good interpersonal skill. We can see him establishing relations with many people to get the job done.
• Peter’s relation with many people is a great advantage since it helps him complete the tasks more quickly.
• Holly’s interpersonal skill is which keeps her team together and focused and connected toward common goals.

Negative Phrase

• Peter’s character is too strong that it may damage the relationship within our team.
• John makes a good impression that he is a great visionary, but the way he communicates his vision to others is unacceptable.
• Tyler rarely shows his appreciation to the contribution others have made to the team effort which results in their upset with his behavior.

7. Quality of Work Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase

• John pays much attention to details. His work has a high quality.
• Accuracy and quality of work are the main concerns with John.
• It is hardly that John can ignore such a mistake since he is a man of quality of work.

Negative Phrase

• We shouldn’t believe too much on John. He may be good, but his work is never as good as it should be.
• John produces many error products. May be we shouldn’t assign this task to him.
• John shows lack of focus on his work. that’s the reason why his products are normally error.

8. Teamwork Performance Review Phrase

Positive Phrase

• We have many teams here in our company and Team’s ability to work well with all of them is a great asset of ours.
• Harry knows the fundamentals of maintaining a professional and effective relationship with his employees, colleagues and managers.
• Ben is never the man who cares about who will get the credit. His only concern is that his job is done well.

Negative Phrase

• When he was still a team member, Peter demonstrated a poor teamwork skill. Now he is in a supervisory role, I believe that we cannot count much on him for a good teamwork environment.
• Esther puts a focus of mind on her job but lacks necessary teamwork skill to ensure the task is accomplished well.
• Ollie seems to be reluctant to work with others. He should improve his teamwork skill better.
• Paul is so contented with his qualification and knowledge that he rarely cooperates with others.

mcdonald's employee performance review

Mcdonald's employee performance review

A performance review is a critique on how well you doing you job. You'll sit down with your manager, the manager will go over how well you've been doing the job or inform you on what things you need to improve on. In addition, the manager will go over your attendence for the past 3 months. Performance reviews also determine your yearly raise.

what is appraisal/performance review

what is appraisal/performance review

Basically its a review of how you are doing - they are usually done annually, unless you are new to a job.

The focus should also be on any training needs you may have and how you see your job and indeed career progressing. Your manager should also be saying to you how they see your performance and their thoughts about maximising your potential and developing your skills and career.

It may be an idea to make some notes before the meeting to make sure you have covered everything you want to say and also make a note of any actions or decisions you both agree. If you do a job that involves quite a bit of variety then it may be an idea to look through your diary since you last had a discussion like this with your manager to remind yourself what you have been doing, as often managers don't really know (or understand) the nature and every day demands their staff face.

So a two way process (or it should be) that may need a bit of planning to get the most from.

Hope it goes well!

What are some negatives about having a performance review

What are some negatives about having a performance review

There are several negatives to performance reviews at work.

First, their usefulness is dubious at best. I have been a manager for 8 years at several large and small companies and have yet to see a performance review system that actually adds value to the organization. Most take too much time, are difficult to administer properly, do not take enough information into account, or are not used for anything other than fulfilling an organizational directive to have a performance review.

Another negative is that often performance reviews are used spitefully by managers to "earmark" employees as underperformers in order to "manage them out" of the organization. Depending on the manager's relationship with an employee, it is very easy to accumulate negative documentation on an employee for the purpose of giving them a poor review.

On the opposite side of that, performance reviews most often do not accurately reflect an individual's positive contributions to an organization. It is often easiest to just take good performers for granted and to not accumulate meaningful documentation of their good performance, meaning a performance review ends up being a collection of anecdotal "stories" instead of containing hard data about how they contributed. Signs of this are comments in the review such as "Works well with others. Helped so-and-so get used to the team." or "Finishes assigned tasks in a timely manner. When asked to work on Team X was always on time and helped out."

Another negative is when companies use performance reviews to divide a small percentage increase to a group. Often a bell-curve approach is taken and the performance review is used by the management team to reward their favorites and keep others from receiving a payout. When a curve is used, it automatically creates an atmosphere of distrust and competition that is most often destructive to the organization. Teamwork is what is needed most in today's businesses and this kind of "me or them" atmosphere does not lend itself to synergy.

Annual Performance Review

Annual Performance Review

Out here in Glen Allen and Richmond, Virginia Annual Performance Reviews are used to lay people off -- just ask the folks out at ECPI Technical College between March and May.

If you're writing your own performance review it seems to me your supervisor isn't doing much or just doesn't have much of a job to do and is probably goofing off more than anything else. My recommendation would be to show where you excel with FACTS, for example how many items you sell, produce or place on the floor, based on whatever turnover of products and how it relates to the company profits. Do your efforts bring in more money ? Sure, they'd have to otherwise you wouldn't be working -- so give yourself a pat on the back -- and make sure you put that in your performance review.

Additionally, how much supervision do you do ? How many people, what do they do and do you schedule work for them or do their timesheets for them ? Any supervision means you are doing supervisory work - show it !

Also, what initiatives have you done or are you currently doing ? Do you put up posters to help market products and advertise your company's wares ? Have you helped in finding new products and services that your company has offered ? Put that in your reviews as well.

There are probably a lot more things you haven't thought of, just have a think while you're driving home sometime and you'll come up with a slew of things YOU have done that are worthy of an excellent review !!!

By-the-way, if you get a bad APR, don't stress about it, it WON'T follow you to your next job. Most of the time performance reviews are nothing more than TPS Reports and mean little other than to impress management and make them think they're accomplishing something they're not...Performance reports are in fact a BIG waste of money in a LOT of cases. I'd rather be earning money actually doing work that writing some inflated report that doesn't really express what a person is really worth to the company in reality...

How can a company judge a person based on something someone else with a twisted sense of reality wrote -- If I were your manager I'd want to actually SEE what you do and judge it for myself than read it from someone with a B.S. in English and grammatical studies... lol :-P

Spunk y