Top Performance review
Performance review
got an email from my boss asking me to write out my own review for this
year. I've never heard of such a thing? We've never done this in the
past. Should I butter it up a bit since I'm the author?
Best Answer:
Yes. It is a common practice in many firms. This is being asked for
your perspective on your own work. Your boss will also have his/her own
version. This will help you keep track of your own progress, set your
goals objectives for the next review period. Of course, you boss
usually has the prerogative make some changes to it. Keep a copy for
yourself. It will be handy when you update your resume. Treat your
boss and the firm as a customer.
Take any feedback they give you as a
customer feedback. Show them in your next review that you have taken
their feedback seriously and made some changes. This will make a good
impression. Of course, your objective is not to get good "grades." But
to keep your customer happy and get paid, i.e. get a raise or promotion
or both.
Top Performance Review
Annual Performance Review
company makes everyone fill out a personal performance questionnaire
before their review. One questions regards what you feel are your
strongest skills. Is there anything that Management likes to see in that
column in particular, more than other things? I have lots of answers
but they all seem mediocre. I want something that will make them think
about rather than just skim over it. I want this to stick out. Thanks
for your help!
Best Answer:
I'm an employment specialist and one of the things that employers look
for when hiring a new employee is that they are a team player or work
well with others. I would include anything that would demonstrate that
you have contributed to the "team" or have done several task/projects
that have added to the overall good of the business/organization. Just a
hint for future reference and probably something that you already know
and are doing but, set up a personal file for yourself. Put all your
good stuff in there so that when your next review comes up you have all
this great bragging material that will help you get that raise you
Top Performance
I don't answer e-mails in a timely fashion, don't ask enough questions
or ask for extra work when I have nothing to do, and spend too much time
doing non-work related things. I disagree with these comments as I
answer what few emails I get immediately, I ask for extra work when I
know I can be of help to someone, and I don't spend any more amount of
time of non-work related things (internet) than any one else does (we
sit in an open space so we can see what everyone is doing). I feel
singled out for things I know for certain everyone else does. I have
expressed this verbally, but don't know what to write in the employee
comments section of the written review. Any suggestions as to how I can
phrase my disagreement on some of the negative comments?
Best Answer: You
don't want to say "I don't surf the net any more than John!" Not only
does that sound childish, but it also formally calls attention to John's
surfing habits - and he's not going to be happy about that.
Instead of just writing your disagreement on your review you ought to
speak to the manager who wrote the evaluation. Discuss why (s)he thinks
that you do not respond to emails in a timely fashion. Perhaps you get
an email with a work request and immediately set out to do the task,
but don't acknowledge that you've received the email and let the sender
know when to expect results? Only the supervisor can tell you what
fault he is finding with your communication, but speaking to him will
show that you are taking steps to remedy the problem.
According to your post the performance review says that you do not ask
for work when you have nothing to do, your defense is that you offer to
help when you think that you'd be helpful. This isn't the same thing,
it may just be the wording that you've used, but be aware of that.
In the employee comments section you should probably write something
along the lines of "I feel that I have been a loyal and dedicated
employee. I have helped to increase widget out-put by 95%[insert a
particularly nice accomplishment from the last year.] I am surprised to
see these negative comments. One of my goals for the next year is to
turn these issues around so the boss and I see eye-to-eye on my duties
and performance." And then set up quarterly meetings to see how you are
living up to expectations.
You may find it beneficial to involve someone from HR or your boss's
supervisor if you feel that you are being harassed or singled out. I
would be cautious about that though - the boss won't like you going over
his head. Your comments should raise a red flag to anyone who reviews
your evaluation, and that may be enough for you.
Top Performance Review
Should I respond to a negative performance review
In your response be clear about your job. List your accomplishments.
List improvements you have made, classes you have taken, any training.
All of the responses should clearly be job related. Do not attack her
in your response. I am a senior manager and have 50+ people reporting to
me. It would be completely inappropriate to attack someone personally
in a review. those reviews go to HR, make 2 copies of your reponse.
send one to HR and keep one. I am surprised that your bosses boss
allowed such a review to be published.
Top Performance Review
Employee Entitled to Their Own Performance Review
Is the employee entitled to access their own performance review done by the manager? Or is it only for manager's eyes.
Best Answer:
A performance review is a report card on you during the past year,it
should point out your strong points and also the areas where you need
inprovement.I have never heard or seen of anyone receiving a performance
report and not seeing it.I think that you are entitled to see it and if
not why not.How are you suppose to improve if you are not aware of
where improvement is needed.
Top Performance review
When having a performance review
Best Answer:
Tell them you look forward to spending the rest of your career with the
company (I didn't say in your current position), and you are looking
forward to greater challenges when they are ready for you step up.
make sure you reiterate their expectations for the position and ask what
you can do different to make the position better (I know you said you
don't see any improvements, but make sure that they don't have personal
agendas for your position-and may open up how they would approach it).
This question will set them up to tell you intangible goals that you can
definitely document for your next review. Plus, getting some one Else's
perspective can only help.
Let them know that you are open to constructive feed back in between
reviews and you want to work toward being a leader with the companies
growth and change.
Top Performance Review
Administrative level performance goals
I'm an project office coordinator and work for a construction company. I
do basic office work like, filing, processing time card, answering
phones and basic office work.. I just got hired in April 07 and they are
doing an annual performace review. I need some good performance and
assignment goals that I can set for myself in present and future.
little about me.. I'm very organized, never late to work, alway's
attention to detail, with respect and finish my work in a timely manner.
I just dont know what other goals I can set.. i feel i already do a good job.
But I know I cant say that..
Best Answer:
Often "performance reviews" are viewed in a "negative" thought.
Managers often have more "negative" than "positive" points about your
performance. These are used to allow your manager to express
expectations and insure to take notes.
A "performance report" should be "positive" for you and for your manager
to keep a successful business operating properly. Before your review
take a moment to write down your accomplishments the past year. You
need to indicate value you bring as to the businesses success. During
the review have these "in hand".
Seldom in a "personnel file" are "positive" comments noted from
corporate levels to small business. Job performance, in some cases,
justify pay increases, promotion, bonus opportunities, etc. Some, not
all, companies want to hire the very best employees but sometimes don't
indicate "positive" notations in "files" to keep from increasing income
the employee may expect.
Your "positive" initiative during the interview shows you are dedicated
to success and you should be rewarded. The "performance review" gives
you an indication on your overall value.
Good Luck and hopefully you have a wonderful "boss".